shell bypass 403
* This file is part of the ManageWP Worker plugin.
* (c) ManageWP LLC <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Proxy class for WordPress' function calls. This is the only class that should be able to use WordPress' internal functions.
* The rule of thumb is that if a function does not exist since WordPress 3.0.0, it should be defined here.
class MWP_WordPress_Context
private $context;
private $constants;
private $useGlobals;
* @param array $globals The context to work with. Defaults to $GLOBALS, using the same global variables as WordPress.
* @param array $constants The list of constants to use. Defaults to global constants.
public function __construct(array &$globals = null, array $constants = null)
if ($globals !== null) {
$this->context = $globals;
$this->useGlobals = false;
} else {
$this->useGlobals = true;
if ($constants !== null) {
$this->constants = $constants;
public function set($name, $value)
if ($this->useGlobals) {
$GLOBALS[$name] = $value;
} else {
$this->context[$name] = $value;
public function get($name)
if ($this->useGlobals) {
return isset($GLOBALS[$name]) ? $GLOBALS[$name] : null;
return isset($this->context[$name]) ? $this->context[$name] : null;
* @return wpdb
public function getDb()
return $this->get('wpdb');
* Escapes data for use in a MySQL query.
* Usually you should prepare queries using wpdb::prepare().
* Sometimes, spot-escaping is required or useful. One example
* is preparing an array for use in an IN clause.
* @param array|string $data
* @return array|string
public function escapeParameter($data)
return esc_sql($data);
* @return string
public function getVersion()
return $this->get('wp_version');
* @param string $version
* @return bool
public function isVersionAtLeast($version)
if (version_compare($version, $this->getVersion(), '<=')) {
return true;
return false;
* @param string $tag
* @param Callable $functionToAdd
* @param int $priority
* @param int $acceptedArgs
* @see add_action()
* @link
public function addAction($tag, $functionToAdd, $priority = 10, $acceptedArgs = 1)
add_action($tag, $functionToAdd, $priority, $acceptedArgs);
* @param string $name
* @param array $args
public function doAction($name, array $args = array())
if ($name == 'admin_init') {
} else {
do_action($name, $args);
* @param string $optionName The option to delete.
* @param bool $global Whether to delete the option from the whole network. Used for network un-installation.
* @see delete_site_option()
* @see delete_option()
* @link
public function optionDelete($optionName, $global = false)
if ($global && is_multisite()) {
$db = $this->getDb();
$blogIDs = $db->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $db->blogs");
foreach ($blogIDs as $blogID) {
delete_blog_option($blogID, $optionName);
} else {
* @param string $optionName
* @param mixed $optionValue
* @param bool $global
* @see update_site_option()
* @see update_option()
* @link
public function optionSet($optionName, $optionValue, $global = false)
if ($global && is_multisite()) {
$db = $this->getDb();
$blogIDs = $db->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $db->blogs");
foreach ($blogIDs as $blogID) {
update_blog_option($blogID, $optionName, $optionValue);
} else {
update_option($optionName, $optionValue, true);
* @param string $option Name of option to retrieve.
* @param mixed $default Optional. Default value to return if the option does not exist.
* @param int $siteId Site ID to update. Only used in multisite installations.
* @param bool $useCache Whether to use cache. Multisite only.
* @return mixed Value set for the option.
* @see get_option()
* @link
public function optionGet($option, $default = false, $siteId = null, $useCache = true)
if ($siteId !== null && is_multisite()) {
return get_site_option($option, $default, $useCache);
return get_option($option, $default);
* WordPress' function get_current_blog_id() is not available before version 3.1.0.
* @return int
* @see get_current_blog_id()
public function getCurrentBlogId()
return abs(intval($this->get('blog_id')));
* @param string $constant
* @return bool
public function hasConstant($constant)
if (is_array($this->constants)) {
return isset($this->constants[$constant]);
return defined($constant);
* @param string $constant
* @return int|string
* @throws Exception If the constant does not exist.
public function getConstant($constant)
if (!$this->hasConstant($constant)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('The constant "%s" is not defined', $constant));
if (is_array($this->constants)) {
return $this->constants[$constant];
return constant($constant);
public function setConstant($name, $value, $throw = true)
if ($this->hasConstant($name)) {
if ($throw) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('The constant "%s" is already defined', $name));
if (is_array($this->constants)) {
$this->constants[$name] = $value;
define($name, $value);
* @return string
* @see plugin_basename()
public function getPluginBasename()
$dirName = explode('/', plugin_basename(__FILE__), 2);
$dirName = $dirName[0];
return $dirName.'/init.php';
public function getPlugins()
if (!function_exists('get_mu_plugins')) {
return get_plugins();
public function getMustUsePlugins()
if (!function_exists('get_mu_plugins')) {
return get_mu_plugins();
public function isPluginActive($pluginBasename)
return is_plugin_active($pluginBasename);
public function isPluginActiveForNetwork($pluginBasename)
return is_plugin_active_for_network($pluginBasename);
public function getThemes()
$wpThemeDirectories = $this->get('wp_theme_directories');
// When the plugin is MU-loaded, the WordPress theme directories are not set.
if (empty($wpThemeDirectories)) {
// Register the default theme directory root.
if ($this->isVersionAtLeast('3.4')) {
return wp_get_themes();
return get_themes();
public function getCurrentTheme()
$wpThemeDirectories = $this->get('wp_theme_directories');
// When the plugin is MU-loaded, the WordPress theme directories are not set.
if ($this->isMustUse() && empty($wpThemeDirectories)) {
// Register the default theme directory root.
if ($this->isVersionAtLeast('3.4')) {
return wp_get_theme();
return get_current_theme();
public function getStylesheetDirectory()
return get_stylesheet_directory();
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @param int $expire Expiration time in seconds from now.
* @return bool
public function transientSet($key, $value, $expire = 0)
return set_site_transient($key, $value, $expire);
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function transientGet($key)
return get_site_transient($key);
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function transientDelete($key)
return delete_site_transient($key);
private function isMustUse()
$mwpIsMu = $this->get('mwp_is_mu');
if (empty($mwpIsMu)) {
return false;
return true;
* @param string $tag
* @param Callable $functionToAdd
* @param int $priority
* @param int $acceptedArgs
public function addFilter($tag, $functionToAdd, $priority = 10, $acceptedArgs = 1)
add_filter($tag, $functionToAdd, $priority, $acceptedArgs);
public function enqueueScript($handle, $src = false, $dependencies = array(), $ver = false, $inFooter = false)
wp_enqueue_script($handle, $src, $dependencies, $ver, $inFooter);
public function enqueueStyle($handle, $src = false, $dependencies = array(), $ver = false, $media = 'all')
wp_enqueue_style($handle, $src, $dependencies, $ver, $media);
public function addMenuPage($pageTitle, $menuTitle, $capability, $slug, $callback = '', $iconUrl = '', $position = null)
add_menu_page($pageTitle, $menuTitle, $capability, $slug, $callback, $iconUrl, $position);
public function translate($text, $domain = 'default')
return translate($text, $domain);
public function output($content)
print $content;
public function getCurrentUser()
return wp_get_current_user();
public function getHomeUrl()
return get_home_url();
public function sendMail($to, $subject, $message, $headers = '', $attachments = array())
return wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments);
public function getAdminUrl($where)
return admin_url($where);
public function isInAdminPanel()
return is_admin();
public function isGranted($capability)
return current_user_can($capability);
* @param string $name Value name.
* @return mixed Context (global) value. Null if one doesn't exist.
* @throws Exception If the context value does not exist.
public function &getContextValue($name)
if (!$this->hasContextValue($name)) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Context value "%s" does not exist', $name));
// Ternary operator not used since it breaks the needed reference
if ($this->useGlobals) {
return $GLOBALS[$name];
return $this->context[$name];
* @param string $name Value name.
* @return bool
public function hasContextValue($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->useGlobals ? $GLOBALS : $this->context);
public function getDropInPlugins()
if (!function_exists('get_dropins')) {
require_once ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
return get_dropins();
public function requirePluggable()
require_once $this->getConstant('ABSPATH').$this->getConstant('WPINC').'/pluggable.php';
public function requireCookieConstants()
public function requireAdminUserLibrary()
require_once $this->getConstant('ABSPATH').'wp-admin/includes/user.php';
public function getUserRoles()
return get_editable_roles();
* @param string $username
* @return WP_User|stdClass|null
public function getUserByUsername($username)
$user = get_user_by('login', $username);
if (!$user) {
return null;
return $user;
* @param int $code
* @return WP_User
* @throws MWP_Worker_Exception
public function getAdminUser($code)
/** @var wpdb $wpdb */
global $wpdb;
$query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE ID IN (SELECT user_id FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = '{$wpdb->prefix}capabilities' AND meta_value LIKE '%administrator%') ORDER BY ID LIMIT 1";
$result = $wpdb->get_row($query);
if (null === $result) {
throw new MWP_Worker_Exception($code, "We could not find an administrator user to use. Please contact support.");
/** @handled class */
$user = new WP_User();
return $user;
public function isPluginEnabled($pluginBasename)
$plugins = (array)$this->optionGet('active_plugins', array());
return in_array($pluginBasename, $plugins);
* @param WP_User|stdClass $user
public function setCurrentUser($user)
* @param WP_User|stdClass $user
* @param bool $remember
* @param string $secure
public function setAuthCookie($user, $remember = false, $secure = '')
wp_set_auth_cookie($user->ID, $remember, $secure);
public function wpDie($message = '', $title = '', $args = array())
wp_die($message, $title, $args);
// This is just a stub, the script will have exit()-ed just before this point.
* Returns current site's URL.
* @return string|void
public function getSiteUrl()
return get_bloginfo('wpurl');
public function requireWpRewrite()
if ($this->get('wp_rewrite') instanceof WP_Rewrite) {
/** @handled class */
$this->set('wp_rewrite', new WP_Rewrite());
public function requireTaxonomies()
$wpTaxonomies = $this->get('wp_taxonomies');
if (!empty($wpTaxonomies)) {
public function requirePostTypes()
$wpPostTypes = $this->get('wp_post_types');
if (!empty($wpPostTypes)) {
public function requireTheme()
$wpThemeDirectories = $this->get('wp_theme_directories');
if (!empty($wpThemeDirectories)) {
public function getLocale()
return get_locale();
public function tryDeserialize($content)
return maybe_unserialize($content);
public function getSiteTitle()
return get_bloginfo('name');
public function getSiteDescription()
return get_bloginfo('description');
* Always returns main site's url (in multisite installations).
* @see getSiteUrl
* @return string|void
public function getMasterSiteUrl()
return site_url();
public function isMultisite()
return is_multisite();
public function isMainSite()
return is_main_site();
public function isNetworkAdmin()
return is_network_admin();
public function getSiteId()
return get_current_blog_id();
public function getDbName()
return $this->getConstant('DB_NAME');
* @param int $attachmentId
* @param string $style
* @return null
public function getImageInfo($attachmentId, $style)
$info = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachmentId, $style);
if (!$info) {
return null;
return array(
'url' => $info[0],
'width' => $info[1],
'height' => $info[2],
'original' => !$info[3],
public function addImageStyle($name, $width = 0, $height = 0, $crop = false)
add_image_size($name, $width, $height);
public function setCookie($name, $value, $expire = 0)
setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $this->getConstant('SITECOOKIEPATH'), $this->getConstant('COOKIE_DOMAIN'), $this->isSsl(), true);
* @return bool
public function isSsl()
return (bool)is_ssl();
* @return bool
public function isSslAdmin()
return $this->isSsl() || force_ssl_admin();
public function removeAction($tag, $function, $priority = 10)
remove_action($tag, $function, $priority);
public function addSubMenuPage($parentSlug, $pageTitle, $menuTitle, $capability, $menuSlug, $function = '')
return add_submenu_page($parentSlug, $pageTitle, $menuTitle, $capability, $menuSlug, $function);
public function wpNonceUrl($url, $action = -1, $name = '_wpnonce')
return wp_nonce_url($url, $action, $name);
* @param int $userId
* @param string $metaKey
* @return mixed
public function getUserMeta($userId, $metaKey)
return get_user_meta($userId, $metaKey, true);
* @param int $userId
* @param string $metaKey
* @param mixed $metaValue
* @return int|bool Meta ID if the key didn't exist, true on successful update, false on failure.
public function setUserMeta($userId, $metaKey, $metaValue)
return update_user_meta($userId, $metaKey, $metaValue);
* @param int $userId
* @return WP_Session_Tokens|null Returns null if the class does not exist, ie. before WordPress version 4.0.0.
public function getSessionTokens($userId)
if (!class_exists('WP_Session_Tokens', false)) {
return null;
/** @handled static */
return WP_Session_Tokens::get_instance($userId);
public function getCurrentTime()
return new DateTime('@'.current_time('timestamp'));
* @param int $userId
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool|int
public function updateUserMeta($userId, $key, $value)
return update_user_meta($userId, $key, $value);
* @param string $str
* @return bool
public function seemsUtf8($str)
return seems_utf8($str);