shell bypass 403
* Plugin Name: Custom Fonts
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Upload custom fonts or host Google fonts locally to enhance performance, privacy, and get full site editing support for improved typography!
* Author: Brainstorm Force
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: custom-fonts
* Version: 2.1.11
* @package Bsf_Custom_Fonts
* Exit if accessed directly.
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
* Set constants.
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_FILE', __FILE__ );
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_BASE', plugin_basename( BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_FILE ) );
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR', plugin_dir_path( BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_FILE ) );
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_URI', plugins_url( '/', BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_FILE ) );
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_VER', '2.1.11' );
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_POST_TYPE', 'bsf_custom_fonts' );
define( 'BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_ADMIN_PAGE', 'bsf-custom-fonts' );
* BSF Custom Fonts
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'classes/class-bsf-custom-fonts.php';
* Helper functions needed for further processing.
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . '/includes/helper-functions.php';
* BSF Custom Fonts Background Updater.
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'includes/plugin-update/class-custom-fonts-update.php';
* Rest API support.
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'includes/class-custom-fonts-api-init.php';
* WP Filesystem extender.
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . '/includes/class-bcf-filesystem.php';
* Plugin's Google fonts compatibility processor.
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . '/includes/class-bcf-google-fonts-compatibility.php';
if ( is_admin() ) {
* Admin Notice Library Settings
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'lib/notices/class-astra-notices.php';
* Admin dashboard app.
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'admin/dashboard/class-bsf-custom-font-admin-loader.php';
// BSF Analytics library.
if ( ! class_exists( 'BSF_Analytics_Loader' ) ) {
require_once BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'admin/bsf-analytics/class-bsf-analytics-loader.php';
$bsf_analytics = BSF_Analytics_Loader::get_instance();
'bsf' => array(
'product_name' => 'Custom Fonts',
'path' => BSF_CUSTOM_FONTS_DIR . 'admin/bsf-analytics',
'author' => 'Brainstorm Force',
'time_to_display' => '+24 hours',